
P.S. 596X
The unique and varied needs of our student population, balanced with the need to maintain safety.
Cell phones can provide a safety option for our students who may have language, communication and social deficits. They can be especially useful to our special needs youngsters who travel to school independently.
The age of our student population was taken into consideration.
Technology is a powerful motivator for our students and can be instrumental in shaping positive behaviors.
Parents play an important role in ensuring that students adhere to school’s policy.
I. Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices Include:
Cell Phones
Laptops, iPads, computing devices, smart watches and augmentative communication devices, etc.
Portable Music Systems (i.e. Airpods, MP3 players, PSP and Nintendo Switch, headphones/ear buds)
II. Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices Usage:
May be used before and after school and on busses if permitted by the bus company.
Should be put away during instructional time to prevent them from interfering with instruction. Exceptions are made for remote learning devices, which students require to access their google classroom.
Students who participate in inclusion will follow the “host school’s” cell phone/electronic device policy.
May not be used in bathrooms.
May not be used to take photos or videos of students or staff.
May not be used to take photos of students or staff to be placed on Facebook or other social media, including the internet.
May not be used to text/call anyone during the school day except in the case of an emergency.
Any exceptions to this policy must be discussed with an administrator.
Updated by the School Leadership Team on 2/17/22.