Father's Club
Calling all fathers of P.S.176X and P.S. 596X - brothers, uncles and grandfathers too! Let's continue a good thing: talking networking and learning from each other!
Our P.S. 596X and P.S. 176X father's club meets monthly on Wednesday evenings to allow fathers to come together to socialize, support each other, unwind and meet some new friends. Our meetings are always interesting and productive. We discuss issues which are important to us and network in order to learn from and help each other. There are no requirements or dues. We simply ask that we respect one another. Participants can attend meetings and help out as their schedule permits. No matter what we do, we have a good time. Meetings are hosted by P596X teacher/father Kevin Feeney and P176X School Psychologist/father David Leslie-Skaller. Light refreshments will be served. Please bring identification to enter the building.
The next Father's Club meeting
will take place on: