
P.S. 596X
P596X serves students on the autism spectrum and students with other special needs. Their ages range from students in Pre K through 11 years old. Our commitment is to provide high quality, state of the art instructional programs and practices in which students participate on a daily basis. From reading, math, science, social studies, and the arts, students have a rich educational experience that is aligned with the NYS Standards.
Every student at P596X has an Individual Educational Plan (IEP). In this plan are the student’s annual goals. These goals are generated from the various assessments used to find students present levels of performance in above mentioned subject areas. Teachers record progress on these goals monthly in the “Google Docs” system. Teachers also complete progress monitoring of IEP goals in SESIS (Special Education Student Information System) at the same time report cards are distributed - during 2 Parent/Teacher Conferences (November and March) and are also sent home at the end of June and mid-August. When a new IEP is finalized, teachers will also complete progress monitoring of the old IEP goals.
Every student also has a program in STARS (Student Transcript and Reporting Systems) Classroom, where grades are recorded and report cards are generated. The grades that are entered in STARS are based on how the student performs on the instructional curricula that are used during instruction (ELA: Edmark/Fountas & Pinnell; Math: Equals/GoMath; Writing: First Author; Social Emotional Learning: ReThink; Social Studies: Unique/LakeShore Social Studies; Science: Unique/Stem Scopes). Grades are entered into this system at the same time report cards are distributed, and are given on a scale of 1 - 4.
Grades or Performance levels are as follows:
1 = Beginning to make progress
2 = Some Progress made
3 = Making Significant Progress
4 = Exceeds Program Expectations
Final grades in STARS for June will be cumulative and based on the progress a student has made in each subject area. This is determined by how a student performs on the ELA, Math, Writing, Social Emotional, Social Studies, and Science assessments for each program the student participates in. Students receiving a grade or performance level of 3 or 4 will be considered for a less restrictive environment.
Final progress monitoring made on students IEP goals in SESIS will reflect whether or not the goals have been met for the plan year.