Positive Behavior Intervention Support

What is Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)?
School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support is a proactive, team-based framework for creating and sustaining safe and effective schools. PBIS is not a single curriculum or scripted response to student behavior. Rather, it is a way of thinking about and organizing research-based practices and their application to student needs. With PBIS, behavior is a learning experience, just as it is with other subjects like math or science.
PBIS has several important principles:
Every child can learn proper behavior.
Stepping in early can prevent more serious behavior problems.
Each child is different and schools need to provide many kinds of behavior support.
How schools teach behavior should be based on research and science.
Following a child’s behavioral progress is important.
Schools must gather and use data to make decisions about behavior problems.

Our school was a recent winner of the Respect for All Award for the 2023 - 2024
School Year!

Below are the three tiers for PBIS and the school wide response to behavior intervention:
Tier One
All Students
Teacher Intervention
Classroom Management
Physical Environment
Proximity Control
Classroom Rules
Behavior Plans
Token Systems
Defuse Behaviors
Tier Two
At Risk Students
Counselor & Administration Involvement
Specific Student Issues
Classroom Observations
Review of Data
Adjustment of BIPs
Develop Behavior Contracts
Home & School Connection
Tier Three
High-Risk Students
Individual Support Interventions
Parent Involvement
Crisis Intervention
Teacher/Parent/Counselor Meeting
Administrator/Parent Coordinator/Family Worker Involved
More Targeted Behavior Plan Updates
Family Support

Kanetha Brown-Sampson or Erica Wilson

Kanetha Brown-Sampson or Erica Wilson

Kanetha Brown-Sampson or Erica Wilson